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Coalition Sustainable Sailing

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Our association aims to promote sustainability in pleasure, passenger and professional boating. We do this among other things by being a discussion partner of governments, promoting clean and environmentally friendly technologies and organising activities and events focused on sustainable boating. As a member, you participate in all activities and events and benefit from the large network.

As a coalition, we are working together on the transition to sustainable boating. We build bridges, work together on targeted solutions, help municipalities and provinces with difficult issues, organise events and make sure everyone is heard. We do not exclude anyone. Boating must become more sustainable but remain accessible to all.

E-WERF and the Coalition

E-WERF has contributed to the Coalition's success (almost) from the beginning. Partly with Olivier's help, a safety checklist was developed, which will hopefully be used in the creation of a market-wide quality mark. Olivier was also involved in the development of an elective section on electric boating at Firda, which has now been accredited and is also available as a certificate.

Several times a year, we also organise meetings to inform the public about the possibilities of electric boating. These Sustainable Sailing Days will also take place this year. For the current agenda, please visit the website of the Coalition for Sustainable Sailing.

Sustainable Sailing Day 2023

Below is an impression of the 2023 Sustainable Sailing Day